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Message to Centro Latino Americano

Centro Latino Americano - Hispanic and Latino organization in Eugene OR

Centro Latino Americano

(541) 687-2667
(541) 687-2667


Non Profit

About Centro Latino Americano

Centro Latino Americano is a bilingual, multicultural agency serving Latino families in Lane County.

The Latin American Center (Centro) was formed in 1972 by a group of Chicano student activists from Lane Community College and the University of Oregon to meet the needs of Mexican immigrant families in Lane County.

In 1978, Centro became a bilingual and multicultural 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and has continued to serve as the primary avenue for the social and civic integration of the Latino population in Lane County. Over the past three decades, we have achieved this goal through the many former Center employees, clients, and volunteers who now hold leadership positions throughout the county. They contribute their skills and enthusiasm to the advancement of public institutions, nonprofit organizations, and local businesses. We continue to reach out to newcomers, and serve as an avenue to promote Latino entrepreneur initiatives.

Centro Latino Americano empowers Latino families, providing opportunities and generating connections, for a stronger community.

Our vision is a thriving, connected community where all people are valued.


Primary Office Location

pin 944 W. 5th Ave Eugene OR 97402

pin (541) 687-2667

Social Media

Facebook page for Centro Latino Americano - Hispanic and Latino organization in Eugene Instagram page for Centro Latino Americano - Hispanic and Latino organization in Eugene Instagram page for Centro Latino Americano - Hispanic and Latino organization in Eugene LinkedIn page for Centro Latino Americano - Hispanic and Latino organization in Eugene
Message Centro Latino Americano
(541) 687-2667