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Message to Consulate General of Chile in Chicago

Consulate General of Chile in Chicago - Hispanic and Latino  in Chicago IL

Consulate General of Chile in Chicago

Government of Chile
(312) 654-8780
(312) 654-8780

About Consulate General of Chile in Chicago

The jurisdiction of the Consulate General of Chile in Chicago comprises the entire zone called Midwest of the United Sates of America and is made up by the following States: Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kentucky, Ohio, Kansas y Missouri.

The main cities in this region are: Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Saint Louis, Columbus, Kansas City, among others.

The form of government of the states of the jurisdiction correspond to the federal system in which, the United States is divided administratively, in the framework of a representative democracy.

Since the opening of this Consulate General, our goals have been mainly to establish a fluent relation with state and Chicago city authorities.

Consular functions are determined by the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, of 1967, and the Consular Regulations of Chile, Decree No. 172, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, of 1977.

Some of the functions that correspond to our Consuls are the following:

- Protect in the receiving State the rights and interests of the State of Chile and its nationals, whether natural or legal persons, within the limits permitted by International Law;
- Act as a notary;
- Grant passports, travel documents, to Chileans in their constituency or passing through it;
- Provide aid and assistance to underprivileged nationals;
- Watch over the interests of nationals, whether they are natural or legal persons.
- Watch over the interests of minors.
- Ensure that Chilean nationals within the receiving territory are subjected to a fair and rational procedure, where appropriate;
- Communicate judicial and extrajudicial decisions and issue letters rogatory in accordance with the law and regulations of the receiving State.


Primary Office Location

pin 875 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1800 Chicago IL 60611

pin (312) 654-8780


Social Media

Facebook page for Consulate General of Chile in Chicago - Hispanic and Latino  in Chicago
Message Consulate General of Chile in Chicago
(312) 654-8780