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Message to Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta

Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta - Hispanic and Latino  in Atlanta GA

Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta

Government of Mexico
(404) 266-2233
(404) 266-2233

About Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta

The Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta serves Mexicans residing in Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee (74 counties east of the Tennessee River).

The Consulate General in Atlanta opened its doors in 1977 with the purpose of offering services and protection to what was already a significant Mexican community, and at the same time to accentuate the presence of Mexico in this dynamic regional economy. This Consular Representation became a Consulate General in 1992.

Throughout more than three decades, the tasks of economic protection and promotion carried out by the Consulate have reached high levels of quality and efficiency.

Currently, the Mexican Consulate General in Atlanta provides services and protects the human rights of almost 900,000 Mexicans in Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee (74 counties east of the Tennessee River). Together, these three states have an area equivalent to almost a quarter of the Mexican territory, with an economic output almost as large as Mexico's gross domestic product.


Primary Office Location

pin 1700 Chantilly Dr NE Atlanta GA 30324

pin (404) 266-2233

Social Media

Twitter page for Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta - Hispanic and Latino  in Atlanta Facebook page for Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta - Hispanic and Latino  in Atlanta Instagram page for Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta - Hispanic and Latino  in Atlanta
Message Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta
(404) 266-2233