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Message to Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio

Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio - Hispanic and Latino  in San Antonio TX

Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio

Government of Mexico
(210) 227-9145
(210) 227-9145

About Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio

The Mexican Consulate in San Antonio is one of the oldest Mexican representations abroad. In 1861, Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Benito Juárez established the Consulate in recognition of the historical, economic, and cultural ties between Mexico and San Antonio.

The representation was raised to Consulate General in 1911 and, since 1957, it is located in the building of an old US Federal Reserve Bank, considered a historic property by the City of San Antonio. From 1861 to date, 48 Consuls have headed this office.

The constituency of the Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio includes 27 South Texas counties and covers an area of ​​1,205.4 km 2 .

In addition, the Consulate has the Cultural Institute of Mexico in San Antonio that organizes traveling exhibitions and cultural events in the region and the country.


Primary Office Location

pin 127 Navarro St. San Antonio TX 78205

pin (210) 227-9145

Social Media

Twitter page for Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio - Hispanic and Latino  in San Antonio Twitter page for Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio - Hispanic and Latino  in San Antonio Facebook page for Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio - Hispanic and Latino  in San Antonio Instagram page for Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio - Hispanic and Latino  in San Antonio Instagram page for Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio - Hispanic and Latino  in San Antonio
Message Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio
(210) 227-9145