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Message to El Centro Hispanoamericano

El Centro Hispanoamericano - Hispanic and Latino  in Plainfield NJ

El Centro Hispanoamericano

(908) 753-8730
(908) 753-8730

About El Centro Hispanoamericano

El Centro Hispanoamericano, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Department of Justice (DOJ) recognized organization, located in Plainfield, New Jersey. Created in 1984, El Centro has a history of more than three decades of providing legal, humanitarian, and educational assistance to low-income immigrants.

El Centro represents clients before the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), in Immigration Court, and the Board of Immigration Appeals. We provide representation in legal matters such as Family-based Petitions, Green Card applications (Adjustment of Status), Consular Processing for those abroad, Waivers of Inadmissibility, U Visas for Crime victims, T Visas for Human Trafficking victims, Self-Petitions for Domestic Violence Survivors (VAWA), requests for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), as well as Temporary Protected Status (TPS), Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and NACARA applications, among others.

We represent people without regard to country of origin, but we primarily serve the Spanish-speaking community. All of our staff members are fluent in Spanish.

In addition to legal assistance, El Centro offers English as a Second Language, Citizenship, and Literacy for Spanish Speakers courses as part of its effort to help immigrants better themselves and continue to be productive members of their community. We also run an emergency food pantry for those in need and advocate for those seeking services from public and private agencies.

Our mission is to promote the rights and help meet the needs of immigrants and refugees through affordable legal services, advocacy, social service referral, community education and organizing, and cultural programs.

We are committed to the dignity, respect, and justice for those we serve.


Primary Office Location

pin 525 East Front Street Plainfield NJ 07060

pin (908) 753-8730


Social Media

Facebook page for El Centro Hispanoamericano - Hispanic and Latino  in Plainfield
Message El Centro Hispanoamericano
(908) 753-8730