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Message to Honorary Consulate of Chile in Las Vegas

Honorary Consulate of Chile in Las Vegas - Hispanic and Latino  in Las Vegas NV

Honorary Consulate of Chile in Las Vegas

Government of Chile
(702) 456-9965
(702) 456-9965

About Honorary Consulate of Chile in Las Vegas

The Honorary Consulate of Chile in Las Vegas provides consular services to the southwestern United States.

Honorary Consulate of Chile in Las Vegas has jurisdiction over the states of Arizona, Colorado and Utah.

Functions of the Honorary Consulate:
- Acts relating to marital status, nationality, military obligations and family assignments.
- Administrative acts
- Acts related to the protection and representation of Chilean people and actions in the matter of successions
- Notary acts


Primary Office Location

pin 1930 Village Center Circle 3-711 Las Vegas NV 89134

pin (702) 456-9965


Social Media

Facebook page for Honorary Consulate of Chile in Las Vegas - Hispanic and Latino  in Las Vegas
Message Honorary Consulate of Chile in Las Vegas
(702) 456-9965